New Legislation

The Legislature passed several bills that may require a city to amend its existing ordinance regarding development of
ADUs and Junior ADUs.

Senate Bill 330

  • SB 330 states "Encouragement of and prohibition against any requirement that allows greater density, facilitates a development of housing and/or reduces the costs to a housing development (SEC 13, SEC 66300, f, 3, A-C)"
  • General Plan designations will take precedent over zoning (SEC 3, SEC 65589.5, j, 2, B) All standards are backdated to 01/01/2018 and "residential only" developments are included
    • 1388 Bancroft has DA-2 standards in the General Plan with a maximum of 40 units per acre and a 50' height limit - 1388 has 1.27 acres, that is a 51 unit maximum on site.  1388is still well below the allowed density standards
  • With 55 onsite parking spaces, three bonus electric vehicle spaces, and 5 additional curbside spaces, for a total of 63 parking spaces.  Overall a 1.50 to 1.00 parking ratio as per DA-2 Standards

AB 1100

All accessible parking spaces with accessible aisles served by electric vehicle supply equipment will count as at least two parking
spaces (SEC 2, 22511.2, b)
  • 1388 Bancroft has 3 accessible spaces with these capabilities, bring the total onsite spaces to 58.  With the 5 additional curbside spaces on Joaquin Ave, 1388 has a parking ratio total of a 1.50 to 1.00 parking ratio

AB 1763

AB 1763 procures a 20% Density Bonus, a 80% Density Bonus, and a waiver of density and waiver of parking limits in exchange for additional affordable units (SEC 1, 65915, c, 1, B, ii, I)
  • The 20% Density Bonus permits a fourth floor to the 45 unit plan (02/04/2019) for a total of 61 units and 63 parking spaces
  • The 80% Density Bonus permits the 73 unit podium plan but without the parking stackers

AB 957

AB 957 allows for developments that have supportive housing services to receive "long-term rental assistance in an amount no more than two times the fair market rent for the area" (SEC 9, SEC 53594, a, 1)